The toy company should reconsider, methinks

Jan 14, 2008 15:17 GMT  ·  By

The many many applications, that Facebook includes for its users to share and enjoy, enlist logically in their ranks many games, such as Scrabulous, the online version of Hasbro's Scrabble. That seems to be reason enough for the toy company to hound its lawyers against the maker of the app.

The online version is very popular among FB users with 569 thousand users being active daily, ranking it on the ninth spot in the most used list, ahead of iLike and right after Slide's SuperPoke. Jayant Agarwalla, 21, a co-founder of Scrabulous confirmed that Hasbro "sent a notice to Facebook about two weeks ago. The lawyers are working on it."

I think that the giant company should try to capitalize on the huge popularity the original game has turned to have and actually acquire the application instead of trying to take it out of business, it would be a lot better from a financial point of view as well.

Fortune's Josh Quittner suggested that somebody should start a Facebook group to save the game, but that's not the way to go about it and, furthermore ,it would most likely be pointless. And it wouldn't be all that expensive, after all, it's a two-man run operation that only generates "over $25,000 a month". But come to think of it, 1 billion dollars is also over 25 thousand, so it's not all that clear. Nevertheless, since Hasbro cannot come up with an online version of Scrabble, because those rights have been reserved by EA, taking over this little startup would have made the world of sense to them.

Some big numbers are recorded within the Scrabulous ranks, Jayant mentioned that some of the players were actually involved with up to 170 games at a time on Facebook. Popularity, Hasbro! That's what you want! This is your chance, just call off the lawyers and take out that check book!