Learning what, how and when to eat

Jun 24, 2006 15:11 GMT  ·  By

Generally, we all know what we should eat and what we should avoid eating in order to keep ourselves healthy and in shape. But most of us don't really know how important is to know what to eat at each meal. By consuming the appropriate food at the right time we give our body the amount of energy necessary for the daily activities, for burning the extra-fats and maintaining a healthy metabolic system.

Immediately after we wake up, between 7 and 9 a.m. we have to drink a glass of water in order to clean our kidneys. Then, for waking up also our body that is still sleepy, we have to exercise a little. But, for working properly, our muscles need organic fuel, that is why it is recommended to eat a sandwich rich in carbohydrates, which provides us almost instantly with energy. The sandwich can have any garniture because the most important is the bread, as it is the richest in carbohydrates. After exercising it is recommended to drink fruit juice, water or tea in order to compensate for the liquids lost by perspiration.

In the 9-11 a.m. interval we should eat fruits with low energy density - peaches, plums, grapes - which give us constant energy all through the morning. Now is a proper time for consuming calcium, too. Therefore, we have to include in our breakfast dairy products (milk, yoghurt, cheese etc.) It is also recommended to eat cereals during breakfast, as they are laden with fiber.

As we go on to the middle of the day (11 a.m. -1 p.m.) our energetic level starts to decrease and we would like to have a rest or to sleep, while our efficiency at work is lower as compared to the one during morning. Now it is time to have a noon snack. Fruits that provide us with rapidly absorbed energy by the organic system (like bananas) and a high carbohydrate food (a muffin, a pretzel) will reinvigorate our body and provide us with a constant level of energy for the next working hours.

Between 13 and 15 p.m. low fat proteins can be eaten (chicken or fish) for maintaining our energy amount. Fish is brain food, which helps us focus all afternoon. A salad is welcome to our menu, too, as it gives the body the minerals, vitamins and antioxidants it needs.

To the end of the day and working hours we start to feel like eating sweet food. But instead of eating sweets high in fats, we can have natural or dry fruits and, afterwards, a cup of herbal tea sweetened with sugar (because sugar in moderate amounts is good for our body, as contrary to the general opinion that it harms us.)

The last meal of the day, dinner, is a perfect occasion for us to eat fresh or easy cooked vegetables. If we are still hungry, we can also consume meager meat that helps redressing the cells of the body. Even a sweet dessert is allowed, as sugar in the blood releases serotonin, which induces sleep. Along with the dessert, we can sip from a glass of warm milk, which has the same effect, helping us relax and have a good night's sleep.

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