Sep 29, 2010 17:02 GMT  ·  By

This is a Melee map for Warcraft III: Frozen Throne created on the Ashenvale tileset. The map has a huge size of 256x256 of which 244x244 only is playable.

The board is set. The piece are moving. The armies of Sauron are marching towards the free people of the West. The out come of this terrible conflict rests only in your hands. Gondor is the last free kingdom of Men.

Exhausted by centuries of conflict, your forces have grown thin. You'll require aid from Rohan and Dol Amroth in order to withstand the host of the East, so delaying the enemy will be your main objective.

The gameplay on this map is rather simple and intuitive except for a few rules: You get units automatically if your town's main building (Minas Tirith, Edoras, Rhun, etc.) is standing.

You also get a Fort or Keep every eight minutes, which means your spawn level will automatically be upgraded every 8 minutes. There are seven levels of spawns, so after 48 minutes your buildings will begin spawning the maximum amount of units.

Priorities are altered such that having a leaver will not affect the game in such a manner that it would be ruined.

If there are any leavers on Evil side, Nazguls should also add Gwaer, Mouth of Sauron and Kurgath into the hero group. Pick Aura and Nova on Mouth of Sauron, Slam and Evasion on Kurgath and Aura and Stomp on Gwaer.

If there are any leavers on Good side, the Fellowship should also add Theoden, Theodred, Eomer and Erkenbrad.

In the beginning players will be able to vote for Easy mode. This option requires 60% (6 votes) to be activated. Here are the new stats of the game after the Easy mode is voted: - the experienced gained will be increased from 50% to 150 % - the spawn upgrade will be lowered from 480 seconds to 300 seconds - the spawn timer will decrease from 120 to 90 seconds.

War of the Third Age Extrerted is a great map where 10 fans of Lords of the Rings and of course Wacraft can have a good time and battle each other in epic fights!

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