With the CCA-BC200 Rear View Backup Camera System

Aug 1, 2007 15:36 GMT  ·  By

Although driving is not exactly the most difficult activity in the world, there are certain aspects related to it that can prove to be quite hazardous, especially for the less-experienced drivers. And one such aspect is the moment when drivers have to back their vehicle (either in a parking space within the parking lot or in just about any other type of situation), which can lead even to some serious damage taken by the car's rear end.

However, in order to help users avoid paying thousands of dollars for repairs, the Sanyo company has just announced the CCA-BC200 Rear View Backup Camera System, a video cam that offers drivers no less than 3 different perspectives of what's going on behind their vehicle, instantly switchable by simply pressing a dashboard-mounted button.

Thus, the first mode is the Original, unprocessed rear view. The second mode is an Enhanced, digitally corrected rear view, which features a natural- looking perspective free of typical "fish-eye" or wide angle lens distortions. AirCam, the third rear-view mode, provides a virtual rear view from above that allows users to see, with a high level of accuracy, just how much space is available behind the vehicle.

Sanyo's backup camera incorporates a color CCD sensor, capable of generating up to 250,000 effective pixels. Moreover, it provides a horizontal viewing angle of around 135 degrees, as well as a vertical viewing angle of 105 degrees. However, it doesn't work too well in the dark, as it requires a lighting level of around 1.6 lux in order to provide relevant results.

The Sanyo CCA-BC200 rear-view camera has an MSRP of around 299.99 US dollars, which is not exactly a very high price, on its own. However, users who purchase it also have to buy a car video monitor (if they don't have one already installed), which is a lot more expensive.

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