Apr 29, 2011 11:18 GMT  ·  By
Sans Digital MobileSTOR MS8X6 SAS expander with support for 6Gbps SAS or SATA drives
   Sans Digital MobileSTOR MS8X6 SAS expander with support for 6Gbps SAS or SATA drives

Sans Digital, a company well known for its high-performance storage subsystems, has just announced that it has introduced a new MobileSTOR SAS expander tower unit that can house up to eight SAS or SATA drives in a JBOD configuration.

The new MobileSTOR MS8X6 is based on the EliteSTOR SAS expander series and connects the 6Gbps SAS or SATA hard drives via one mini-SAS (SFF-8088) cable to the host bus adapter.

The unit can achieve data transfer speeds of more than 800MB/s when directly connected to a RAID controller and can be daisy-chained with up to 3 additional units.

This allows users to effortlessly expand their storage subsystem when the need arises without having to swap the SAS expander tower for a unit that can house more drives.

According to the company, the MS8X6 is compatible with both 3Gbps and 6Gbps SATA or SAS hard drives and includes dual SAS channels, dual expansion mini-SAS slots and SGPIO support.

This enables the HBA controller to access real-time information regarding the MS8X6 and each of the hard drives installed in the unit.

Large 3TB hard drives are also supported, so the MS8X6 can be configured to feature up to 24TB of storage space.

“6Gps storage is the latest innovation of the storage technology that instantly improves storage performance,” said Stanley Chan, director of Business Development of Sans Digital.

“The MS8X6 proves itself as the most viable choice between value and performance with the 6Gbps performance,” concluded the company's rep.

The Sans Digital MobileSTOR MS8X6 is available right now for purchase and the diskless unit retails for $1,395.

Equipping the unit with eight 3TB hard drives adds $2400 to the base price and opting for the MS8X624E model that packs the same 24TB storage space as well as RAID support ups the retail price to $5995.