Apple rival hopes to steer attention away from the new Retina display tablet

Mar 13, 2012 08:50 GMT  ·  By
Content creation comparison grid between Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 and "the new iPad"
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   Content creation comparison grid between Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 and "the new iPad"

A comparison chart featuring the new iPad and the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 aims to show that Apple’s tablet computer is hugely inferior when it comes to content creation.

It was actually Samsung who put together this content creation comparison grid. According to the table, Apple’s new Retina display iPad doesn’t offer the ability to:

View two apps at the same time - Last time we checked, there wasn’t much demand for this particular functionality. And it's not the tablet, it's the software. If iPad users wanted this, iOS 5.2 (or a future update) would deliver it.

Work with two apps side by side - Why use a tablet and not a laptop if you desperately wanted to do that?

Write / draw with precision optimizations using a stylus - Though even Samsung themselves admit you can buy one from Amazon.

Write as you would with pen/pencil and paper - Why?

Edit images with precision - Isn’t this the same thing as lackluster feature #3?

Take notes in one app while viewing content in another app - Isn’t this lackluster features #1 and #2 crammed together?

Cut and paste content between two apps side by side - This comparison chart is not only ridiculous, it’s actually getting boring.

And finally, Samsung mentions “other features of Galaxy Note 10.1" that allegedly knock the iPad's socks off, such as:

Lighter and thinner than the new iPad - Well, if you guys wanted to offer the incredible viewing experience of the new iPad, you’d probably compromise a few millimeters yourselves.

Control home theater equipment with integrated IR port - ever heard of the Apple Remote application? And how useful do you think IR is going to be when it gets phased out and replaced by new standards like ZigBee. Attach a mouse with a USB 2.0 host - Someone has to tell Samsung that tablets aren’t laptops.

Expand storage on MicroSD up to 32GB - This, I can vow for. No one would mind being able to expand the storage on their iPad. Still, you have iCloud, Dropbox, and lots of other cloud services out there that make up for this so-called lacking feature.

Now, we’re pretty sure our readers have their own take on this.

Whether you’re an Apple fan or not, we’d love to hear what you think (by all means, you can disagree with everything stated above).

This is as much of a subjective matter, as it is objective. For instance, I don’t see Samsung mentioning the fact that Apple’s iPad looks so good some people actually sleep with it. I don’t have any proof of that, but I’m sure someone, somewhere, is doing that right now.

Update: Seeing all the negative comments, I think it's a good time to clarify that I find nothing wrong with Samsung offering all these benefits to its users. It just doesn't seem relevant to say this is what the iPad lacks. If you reverse the analysis, the Galaxy Note 10.1 fails to deliver in numerous aspects where the iPad prevails.


This is a Personal Thoughts piece reflecting the author’s “personal” opinion on matters relating to Apple, its products, etc. This article should not be taken as the official stance of Softpedia on Apple-related matters.

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Content creation comparison grid between Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 and "the new iPad"
Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1The new iPad
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