To be able to attract more and more customers in 2014, Samsung needs to innovate

Dec 4, 2013 10:47 GMT  ·  By

As we have stepped into December, we are most likely to see fewer devices being launched on the market, with manufacturers concentrating on the products they are to release in 2014.

Samsung already announced that it plans to focus on tablets in the year to come and now, we have a bunch of new details that will shed light on the tech giant’s strategy.

According to sources familiar with the matter reported by ETNews, Sammy is gearing up to replace its touch screen panel standard of indium tin oxide and adopt metal mesh, instead. Samsung is already in the possession of 7 or 8 metal mesh touch screen panels and is currently performing tests on them.

As for metal mesh panels, they are capable of being bent and are usually implemented in flexible but large displays. Using this technology entails that Samsung will be able to save up on production costs (an apparent 20-30% decrease.)

On top of that, Sammy plans to implement an advanced kind of pen recognition, which does not utilize a dedicated driver chip. With this novelty, the manufacturer should be able to cut production cost, even more.

With Samsung concentrating most of its efforts on tablets, we’re pretty sure we’re going to see some amazing feats and technologies come out of the Korean tech giant in 2014.