Bigger is better

Jul 26, 2007 15:23 GMT  ·  By

Samsung just announced its latest 30-inch liquid-crystal display panel that sports a DirectPort interface for higher display resolutions and increased refresh rates. According to the manufacturer company, the new LCD panel can process 10 bits of color data at resolutions ranging up to 2560 x 1600, using a single DirectPort interface. The innovation consists in the use of the DirectPort interface that supports natively higher resolutions, as current LCD panels need a dual link DVI port to reach such a resolution.

The DirectPort interface is superior in terms of performance to the older DVI interface (Digital Visual Interface) and the Low Voltage Differential Signaling interface (LVDS for short) and maybe even as a replacement for the "antique" VGA standard. Because DirectPort supports "both internal notebook PCs and external connector links between PCs and monitors" according to the EETimes site, it should gain market acceptance easy enough. Samsung entered a joint venture with the Genesis Microchip company in order to develop the 30 inch display that will feature the patented "Super Patterned, Vertical Alignment, or S-PVA, display with 300 nits of brightness. The panel also features a 180-degree viewing angle, " according to DailyTech.

"We have received many inquiries from computer integrators interested in DisplayPort-based LCD panels, which prompted an acceleration of our R&D for this first DisplayPort LCD panel," said Brian Berkeley, vice president of Samsung's LCD business and also the head of the DirectPort interface development, in a statement given to EETimes.

As the DirectPort interface in its first variant was already approved by VESA (Video Electronics Standards Association), Samsung may begin production of the new LCD panels as soon as it is ready. As Samsung was the only company that invested in the DirectPort interface that may turn out to be a huge success, it may rightly expect many, if not all LCD panel manufacturers to license the production right from it.