The company aims at making them resistant to scratches and deformation

Dec 18, 2013 11:56 GMT  ·  By
Samung to move to metal smartphone cases next year, might add diamond-like material coating to them
   Samung to move to metal smartphone cases next year, might add diamond-like material coating to them

South Korean mobile phone maker Samsung has been long rumored to plan the transition to metal cases for its smartphones, and it seems that the company might be finally getting ready for that.

However, new reports on the matter suggest that the handset vendor is also planning on increasing the resistance of these metal cases to scratches and the like, and that it will achieve that through coating them with a diamond-like material, ET News reports.

This won’t make Samsung’s upcoming devices shine in the light (the coating shouldn’t even be visible with the naked eye, courtesy of the use of nanotechnology), but it should make them tougher.

Apparently, the company would be able to produce the aforementioned material through applying high temperature and high pressure to carbon, in a manner similar to the process of creating artificial diamonds.

The resulting process will then be turned into liquid or powder, and can be applied to metal surfaces to increase their resistance to scratches and deformation.

As PhoneArena notes, it’s yet uncertain whether Samsung will pack the Galaxy S5 with such a case. In fact, the entire report hasn’t been confirmed as of now, and it remains to be seen if the handset vendor is actually working with such technology.

Previous reports suggested that it would include a series of top-notch capabilities inside the upcoming smartphone, and that it might also launch it with a metal case as a premium version.

A cheaper, though similarly specced version will also be released, with a plastic body. In fact, a recent report suggests that Samsung would plan only the launch of the plastic version of the mobile phone.

Provided that Samsung is indeed planning the aforementioned diamond-like material, some of its 2014 smartphones could receive it, which means that they will also feature metal cases, something that many enthusiasts have been long waiting for.

For the time being, however, take all this with a grain of salt, but keep an eye on this space for additional info on the matter. It might all pan out in the end.