The solution won't be easy to achieve

Sep 6, 2005 18:26 GMT  ·  By

The Blu-Ray versus HD-DVD conflict might have an unexpected ending.

Just like in the happy end movies, where the character who looks insignificant during the whole movie turns out to be the hero, in the battle between HD-DVD versus Blu-Ray, the winner might turn out to be Samsung.

In an interview for Financial Times Deutschland, which was also cited by Reuters, Choi Gee-sung, the head of the Consumer Electronics department at Samsung, said that if the two rivals, Sony and Toshiba, don't agree on a unified format, then Samsung might launch a player able to read both formats.

Choi Gee-sung admitted that the solution wouldn't be easy to achieve and that he doesn't expect that it will be released before next year, but Samsung is determined to eliminate the confusion among consumers.

If Samsung sticks to its promise, the Korean company could make huge profits. So far, Sony and Toshiba have studied the possibility to launch a unified format, but the talks have failed.

From the technical point of view, creating a format that combines both technologies is complicated, but not impossible, considering that both of them are based on blue-ray laser.

Samsung has been regarded so far as being on Blu-Ray's side, but it seems that the company is not determined to go all the way and to give up on the possibility of ending the conflict.