Carphone Warehouse is among the first retailers

Feb 18, 2015 23:38 GMT  ·  By

By now you probably know that Samsung and HTC plan to announce their next flagship smartphones on the same day, March 1.

Two days before the Mobile World Congress 2015 trade fair is set to kick off, two of the most important smartphone manufacturers, HTC and Samsung, will show the world their masterpieces, One M9 and Galaxy S6, respectively.

It remains to be seen how well they will be received and how many units they will be able to sell in the first months of their release. However, until they become available on the market, a very important aspect is the number of pre-orders they get for their flagship smartphones.

Since Samsung Galaxy S6 and HTC One M9 probably won't be available for at least one more month since the moment of their reveal, both companies will do everything to convince customers that pre-ordering their flagship smartphone is the best deal they can get this year.

But pre-orders are very important for carriers and authorized resellers as well, which is why they usually prepare in advance with various promotional offers and open registrations for those who want to know long before a device arrives when exactly they will be able to order it.

Carphone Warehouse promises to inform you about everything happening with these smartphones

In this regard, Carphone Warehouse seems to be among the first retailers in the UK to open registrations for both flagship smartphones coming next month in Barcelona.

You can now register your interest in either Samsung Galaxy S6 or HTC One M9 and Carphone Warehouse will make sure that you will be contacted via email with the latest information on the upcoming smartphones.

Keep in mind that this does not mean that you'll be pre-ordering any of the two devices; you just register for information regarding the smartphones, but you will have to fill in your email address and mobile number.

HTC One teaser
HTC One teaser

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Samsung Unpacked teaser
HTC One teaser
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