Words for eternity.

Dec 2, 2008 22:11 GMT  ·  By

You all know (or at least should know) about the "till death do you part" thing when it comes to marriage. And then the "I do"s and the rest. Such a thing is supposed to last forever. Is supposed, we have to stress that; because it is not about what's going on with the wedding that we’re going to talk about as follows, but Sakurako Shimizu's latest jewels, created to make those words last forever. Or, until you decide to melt down or destroy said jewelry, that is.


Having music imprinted on clothing was a cool and innovative idea with a serious fashion potential, but Shimizu's latest series is even better.


It all starts with recording something, be it the "I do"s, "I'll always love you" or pretty much anything spoken. This sound will generate a waveform when recorded on a digital medium and then played back in a visual form. And Shimizu's idea was to capture that specific waveform, knowing that each sound sequence will produce a different shape. And even more, the same thing, when uttered by different persons will look different as far as waveforms are concerned.


From here to actually building the jewelry it was only a small step, having the proper precious metal items handcrafted and then a laser cutting the desired waveform into them. So, from the moment you order these rings, you'll carry your partner's words with you all the time.


What's even cooler is the fact that you can also have more intricate jewelry created from different other audio samples. And Sakurako Shimizu has already prepared a necklace made from giggle waveforms, a couple of sneeze and "wow!" brooches and some earrings. Now, all you have to do is think about a short thing to say and drop Sakurako Shimizu a line to perfect the deal, if he's willing to add more than yawn and the all-time favorite church bell to his line.


This just gave us a new idea: how about divorce rings with short, not-that-nice words?



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Photo Gallery (6 Images)

"I do" etched in the silver ring
Fine laser artThe sound of words remaining forever imprinted in these pieces of jewelry