Sony ready to deploy patch

Oct 20, 2008 23:21 GMT  ·  By

SOCOM: Confrontation is now ready to be played on the PlayStation 3; although the game looks nice and the gameplay is impressive, some players have complained that not all is as it should. Sure, there are technical glitches, inherent in a new game, but the big problem is that SOCOM: Confrontation is not taking advantage of the Trophy system that was implemented for the PlayStation 3 via firmware update. Players are not happy about it and are demanding a fix.


The developers said that when the Trophy system was announced, the game was too far along in the development process to simply patch them in. Rather than risking a botched job and a backlash from customers, Sony decided to wait and give the developers time to implement a Trophy system which would work perfectly as soon as it is implemented.


Jennifer Clark of Sony Computer Entertainment of America told PS3 Fanboy that “The Trophies will become available via patch in the coming weeks”, stressing the fact that there’s no set timetable for the release at the moment.


The big question is whether the Trophies introduced in SOCOM: Confrontation will be retroactive or not. If retroactivity is implemented, then you will see some Trophies to your name after you download the patch just because you managed to complete the required actions as you played the game. If not, then you will have to complete all the action again.


Burnout Paradise recently implemented a system of retroactive Trophies, but it seems that there are some issues with them so Sony might wish not to attempt something similar with SOCOM.


Sony has tried to create an equivalent to the Achievements system on the Xbox 360 with its Trophies but, at the moment, the vast majority of PlayStation 3 games do not support them.