Hacking scandal has given evil a bad name, says Mike Myers

Dec 22, 2014 10:50 GMT  ·  By
Mike Myers' Dr. Evil is disappointed with North Korea for picking on Sony
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   Mike Myers' Dr. Evil is disappointed with North Korea for picking on Sony

This week’s issue of Saturday Night Live features a surprise appearance from former castmember Mike Myers, who resumed his famous Dr. Evil role to discuss a bit the Sony Hack and how wrong it was of North Korea to pick on Sony for a “stupid comedy” like “The Interview.”

In November this year, a group of hackers called Guardians Of Peace broke into Sony servers and stole thousands of files with very sensitive data, from movie details to staff’s salaries, Social Security Numbers, and home addresses.

The Guardians told Sony they would release that information in batches unless the studio pulled the comedy from its release schedule, as it was a threat to international peace because it mocked Kim Jong-un, whose assassination is the plotline in the film. The movie has been shelved, but they’re still releasing info, by the way.

That said, Dr. Evil thinks North Korea could do much better than pick a fight with Sony Pictures, especially considering that it’s the “most evil country in the world.” Sony hasn’t had a hit “since the Walkman,” Dr. Evil says, so forcing them to cancel a movie is like they’re 2 bald men fighting over a comb.   

“If you really want to put a bomb in a theater, do what I did – put in ‘The Love Guru’,” Dr. Evil tells North Korea, after mocking the hackers for choosing such a stupid name as Guardians Of Peace, which is GOP for short.

He also has some words for Sony: the movie studio should have known better than to cast James Franco as lead in their movie. This is the same guy who almost single-handedly “killed the Oscars,” whatever could they have been thinking to have him on board?

Watch the hilarious skit embedded below.   

Mike Myers' SNL return (7 Images)

Mike Myers' Dr. Evil is disappointed with North Korea for picking on Sony
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