Bobby Moynihan’s take on North Korean dictator is hilarious

Oct 13, 2014 11:40 GMT  ·  By
Kim Jong-Un makes appearance on SNL with a nurse, though he clearly doesn’t need one
   Kim Jong-Un makes appearance on SNL with a nurse, though he clearly doesn’t need one

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un hasn’t been seen in public for nearly a month, which has paved the way for a series of rumors that range from ridiculous / hilarious to utterly scandalous. NBC has found out his whereabouts, and as you can see in the video below, he’s living proof that none of the rumors were true.

Depending on who you believe, Kim Jong-un is now in hiding because he got fat from eating Emmental cheese, or because he broke his ankles because he insists on wearing heels that are too high, only because he’s determined to appear taller than he is.

He could also be suffering from the gout, or diabetes, or might even be dead. Again, his absence has been explained by a myriad of reports and none of them is favorable to him. The bottom line is that he’s hiding because he doesn’t want to be perceived as “weak” by his people.

Well, NBC tracked him down – and he’s furious that people would make up stuff about him like this. Kim Jong-un, portrayed by Bobby Moynihan, doesn’t have the gout or diabetes, and he definitely didn’t get fat or break his ankles.

In fact, he’s at his healthiest ever; he’s also the country’s top athlete, and from the looks of things, one of the best dancers on the 5-block area as well. Kim Jong-un is also in touch with the times, and his haircut is proof of that because it’s exactly like the one Brad Pitt is rocking in his most recent movie, “Fury.”

The entire sketch is available in the video below, as it aired on Saturday Night Live this past weekend. It’s hilarious, but if you think about it, probably also true. Particularly in the way Jong-un is trying to manipulate people’s perception of him.