Dec 17, 2010 11:42 GMT  ·  By

Used primarily by computer enthusiasts as a way of improving their PC's performance without having to buy higher priced parts, overclocking has steadily but surely made its way into the mainstream, SGI just announcing they have overclocked their rackable half-depth server line in order to deliver improved performance.

Destined to cater to customers that require computing speeds greater than that of present day processors, this so-called “overclocking platform” is designed into the company's rackable half-depth 4U chassis.

As a result, using air cooling alone, SGI is able to raise the operating frequency of the CPU from the regular 3.33GHz to 4.3GHz, depending on the application.

SGI's half-depth rackable servers are available with AMD as well as Intel processors, the systems featuring as much as 144GB of memory as well as 10TB of storage space.

Although the company didn't state what processor it used in the above example, is safe to assume that it was referring to an Xeon X5680 six-core CPU since this is the only server processor available from Intel as well as AMD to be clocked at 3.33GHz.

“SGI has been providing unique solutions for high frequency trading for many years and continues to offer customers the best platforms possible for their applications,” said Conor Malone, vice president of engineering at SGI.

“This new overclocking platform is a major step forward in speed for the high frequency trading market.

Our tradition of building custom solutions, as well as our continued commitment to platform leadership, is evident with this new overclocking solution that will significantly accelerate results for the high performance sector,” concluded the company's rep.

Sadly, no details regarding availability and pricing are disclosed at this time, as these 4U rackable half-height servers were not being listed on SGI's website when this article was written.