The developers are still using a science fiction inspiration for the tech

Mar 6, 2012 09:19 GMT  ·  By

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, the upcoming team-based shooter from Ubisoft, will include more realism than other titles in the first-person shooter space because of the work the team has done with real-world special forces operators.

Jean-Marc Geffroy, who is the creative director working on Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, has told the Xbox World magazine that, “When you take a boot camp with former Navy SEALs you get a feel for how they’re strong, and how they are intuitive, how they’re trained. When we were done and we presented our ideas to them, we felt like fools.”

When the team’s ideas were confronted with the reality that the SEALs presented, they became aware of how many science-fiction elements their own game concept included and decided to eliminate some of them in favor of more realism.

The developer added, “If I have four guys – four Ghosts – and we kill 50 enemies with our guns, we’re superheroes. But if I have four Ghosts and I kill 50 enemies because I have used synchronized shots, because I have flanked enemies, because I have focused my fire, because I have gathered intel, then I am a soldier.

“That’s what we realized, and that’s really what we wanted at the beginning.”

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier will include quite a few science-fiction elements, mainly when it comes to the technology that the operators will be able to use, ranging from advanced drones to a system which offers optical camouflage.

The game will include four characters with very different abilities who will perform best when combining their powers to surprise and overwhelm enemy forces.

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier will be launched during May on the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360 home consoles.

The developers are also working on a free-to-play version of the game that will be launched on the PC later during 2012.