Oct 25, 2010 22:01 GMT  ·  By

At the recent BlizzCon event the developers at Blizzard have talked about Heart of the Swarm, the next installment in the Starcraft 2 trilogy, saying that players will not get their eager hands on it before the end of next year but also suggesting that the new game might answer some of the questions which have been left unanswered since the first video game in the series.

During a Question & Answers panel at BlizzCon Chris Sigaty, who is the lead developer working on Starcraft 2, has said that the launch date will probably only come after 2011 is done but also said that in the meantime fans of the series can look forward to getting more content for the game, although its not clear what it will consist of.

The developers at Blizzard have also said that the narrative of Heart of the Swarm will come after the events seen in Wings of Liberty, joking that the time line can go from one hour after the end of the first game to 100 years after.

Blizzard has also said that Samir Duran, one of the main players from the Brood War expansion for the original Starcraft, might also make an appearance and “has not been forgotten”.

Last time we saw Duran managed to trick some of the greatest power players in the galaxy to further his own goals, which seem to include the creation of a powerful creature, a hybrid which mixes the best of the Zerg and Protoss races.

Samir might end up being the main agent of the threat that is clearly implied in Wings of Liberty.

Starcraft 2 has been a very successful launch for Blizzard and the company is clearly interested in keeping the game interesting in the coming months.

One of the most controversial moves has been the push to eliminate cheats from the game, with bans affecting those who cheat in the multiplayer and those who use trainers and hacks, even if they are only aimed at the single player section of Starcraft 2.