The 32-year-old actor writes newspaper article in support of abused pigs

Jul 12, 2013 20:21 GMT  ·  By

There's been much fuss over gestation crates and abused pigs these past few weeks. For some reason, most ordinary folks failed to take an interest in the matter.

Now that Ryan Gosling has also gotten behind efforts to make life easier for farm pigs, something tells me the situation will take a turn for the better.

I mean, it's Ryan Gosling, for Pete's sake! Surely his fans will listen to what he has to say, even if he's talking about Canadian pigs.

In a recent newspaper article published in The Globe and Mail, the 32-year-old actor salutes Canada's National Farm Animal Care Council's decision to try and improve living conditions for the one million breeding pigs kept in cages at farms all across the country.

“Currently, mother pigs are kept in these cages called “gestation crates” for four months while pregnant, moved to another cage to give birth, reimpregnated and put back into a gestation crate for the cycle to repeat,” Ryan Gosling writes.

“Pigs in tiny crates suffer beyond anything most of us can easily imagine. They are unable even to turn around for weeks at a time, so that their muscles and bones deteriorate,” he goes on to say.

The actor hopes that, with support from the public, Farm Sanctuary and Humane Society International will not take long to convince high officials in Canada that gestation crates are a no-go, and that breeding pigs in this country deserve better living conditions.