The plant is leaking contaminated water, TEPCO needs outside help to contain the spill

Aug 26, 2013 20:41 GMT  ·  By

As reported only a few days ago, Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant, i.e. the station that threw a major fit when it got hit by an earthquake and a tsunami in March 2011, is now acting out again.

Tokyo Electric Power Company, TEPCO, is doing everything in its power to contain several leaks that have been reported at this facility over the past few weeks.

Apparently, Russia is ready and willing to lend the company a helping hand.

Eco News tells us that Vladimir Asmolov, now working as first deputy director general of Rosenergoatom, has announced that Russia wishes to help TEPCO cool and decommission the nuclear plant.

Thus, the country has offered to aid TEPCO by granting them access to technologies that would make clean-up activities easier and more effective.

“In our globalized nuclear industry we don’t have national accidents, they are all international,” Vladimit Asmolov offered as an explanation for Russia's decision to help TEPCO deal with this crisis.

More info will probably soon be shared with the public, so stay tuned.