Three ultimate ISO tools head to head

Sep 3, 2006 17:46 GMT  ·  By

I cannot imagine the disc images disappearing in the near future, and the reason for that is extremely simple - hard disks have always been faster than optical drives, and that won't change any time soon. If the mobile doesn't go away, then the crime stays with us too. Well, it's not a crime, but a family of programs that appeared to take care of the disc images. Of course, I am talking about the CD/DVD image tools!

There are so many programs that can fit into this category that I am sure you can easily fill a 4GB DVD with their installation kits, but it's not my purpose to write an ISO Bible here. What I need are some outstanding ISO tools to show you, and I already have two in mind: UltraISO, the ultimate ISO tool that I've been using for ages, and MagicISO Maker, the one that almost made me change my mind and replace UltraISO with it.

After some additional research, I spotted a candidate for the remaining place in today's triad. Its name is Power ISO and has a lot in common with the other two programs here, but also a personal touch. Since I have the power triangle filled, I guess there's only one way to go, and that's: forward!


As I was just saying, UltraISO is the tool I've been using for ages, but...what can one do with such a program, after all? Most common tasks are related to ISO disc images, of course - adding files and folders or extracting them, creating new disc images, converting and burning them. Now, let's see what you can get for 29.95$ when the lights are on UltraISO...

UltraISO's interface is well organized, easy to use and fully supports drag and drop operations. All you have to do is decide what you want to do, as completing your task with this program can be really easy.

Let's take the File menu, for example. When you want to create a new disk image, just choose New, then the desired image format. There are a lot of choices available, including Audio CD images, Bootable or DVD-Video disc images. Once the empty browser panel corresponding to the image has been opened, and you just have to drag your files into it. Easy, isn't it?

Some less common features that come with this application are its ability to mount image files to a virtual drive, create and verify checksums or compress/decompress ISO files.

The program has support for over thirty languages, and the trial version is limited to saving files that are smaller than 300MB. Despite that, I always said that half of a cake that comes for free is better than a paid don't hesitate to taste UltraISO!

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MagicISO Maker

I got over UltraISO pretty easy, but I don't want you to think that this is a program to be dealt with easily, because there's more to it than meets the eye, and the same happens with the second target I have's a kind of magic! Indeed, it can be called that way, especially because now we're dealing with MagicISO Maker, another 29.95$ wonder(the competition is really tight, don't you think?). Let's see where the magic is now...

MagicISO Maker has an interface that made me think "Look!UltraISO reloaded!", but after spending some time with the program, I can say this is not quite the truth, but just the right choice, like the two panel interface of most file managers (take Frigate and Total Commander as an example and you'll get my point). The element of the interface that makes MagicISO different is the way its menus are organized, and also some of the available options, of course.

If we have to point out the program's features, I think the first ones that are worth mentioned are the common ones. Creating a new disk image is just as easy as the last time, just go and open the New area inside the File menu, and you're free to choose from a wide range of choices, including Data, Bootable CDs and even XBOX DVD images. Unfortunately, while UltraISO can save six file formats, MagicISO can save only ISO and UIF files.

Now, what extra features do we get with MagicISO? It seems that compression/decompression, conversion and creation of boot images using a handy wizard are only some of the strong points to be found here.

MagicISO has been translated in over fifteen languages so far, the trial version has the same limitations as its forerunner, and has a "something" beyond words that you have to check for yourselves, so dare and taste this kind of ISO magic!

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The last ISO tool that I have for you today completes the triangle of power with the ultimate element - exactly power, that is. What we have here is a shareware version of a product that has a price tag of 29.95$ and this is limited to saving files that have maximum 300MB...sounds familiar, doesn't it?

PowerISO has an interface that is easy to use and well organized, yet different from the previous two that we encountered today. Since PowerISO is a very small program, with an installation kit that weighs under 1MB, it stands up through its simplicity.

Although simple, this program is a powerful one, allowing you to manage your virtual drives using its dedicated manager and perform all usual disc image operations and a bit extra. With PowerISO you can create, compress/decompress, encrypt, burn and mount the supported file types, and there's a wide range of formats supported (over twenty for opening and three for saving - ISO, BIN and DAA).

There's one little problem that occurred with this program -however, it's not the only one having this issue - when burning an image it has to be converted into ISO format first. Well, you can't have it all, but I am sure that this program can face the other two ones here without many problems...after all, this is a friendly race...or not? Let's see the results now!

...but not before PowerISO's screenshots, of course...

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I can't really announce a winner, especially because we have three winners today, each one in its own way...

UltraISO is my favorite program and the most popular one from today's triad, and this says it all. Easy to use, powerful and reliable. Do you need more?

MagicISO brings an excellent approach to the Multi-Boot image creation, with an excellent wizard, and its other features are also a good match for any competitor out there.

At last, PowerISO is a small, yet powerful power pack, bringing DAA format into play, but not only that - its blend of simplicity, power and reliability can really make the difference.

The shareware versions are available for you to download and check out, and no matter what you choose, you'll end up paying the same price. From here, it's up to you, but I can assure you that no matter what you choose, it's going to be an excellent choice!

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