Nov 24, 2010 10:26 GMT  ·  By

A source within Bethesda has stated that the development team is working on a new Elder Scrolls video game although nothing has been officially announced yet, with the narrative of the new title taking place immediately after the end of the events seen in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

A news piece appearing on the Denmark language version of Eurogamer says that, “this source not only confirmed that the game is in current production, but also spoke briefly about the content - with fantasy sounding phrases like Dragon Lord, something with The Blades.”

It seems that the unnamed source has also said that the game will be “the chronological sequel to what happened in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion” and that he had access to “official game documents” that showed what the development team was working on.

Apparently the people at Eurogamer Denmark know more than that but they are not oferring more details for fear that Bethesda will take action againt them.

The developers at Bethesda has been pretty tight lipped about what they are working on, with Todd Howard claiming back in 2009 that his team was working on a big new project but that they had no clear plans about creating The Elder Scroll V.

But also in 2009 a novel was released claiming that it will deliver the story of the 200 year period which bridges the events of Oblivion with those of the next game in the franchise.

Recently ZeniMax, the parent company of Bethesda has been on a buying spree, acquiring high profile developers like id Software, which is creating a new id Tech 5 game engine and a new shooter, RAGE, based on it.

Development of The Elder Scrolls V might be a bit held back in order to take advantage of the new game engine, replacing the old Gamebryo tech.