To focus on The Witcher 2

Apr 29, 2009 07:53 GMT  ·  By

The Internet seems to be swirling with rumors related to the apparent cancellation of Rise of the White Wolf, the console version of The Witcher, which was set to be released this year.

CD Projekt is not talking about the rumors but if it made such a move then it would probably mean that it has chosen to focus on creating a sequel to The Witcher rather than developing console ports that might not prove too popular.

Initially, the rumors appeared on a Polish site, called Polygamia, with one poster claiming to have inside sources that were reliable and that said the cancellation would be made public in the coming days. Then, the official forums for The Witcher saw a thread related to the cancellation but again only inside sources were cited.

The official position coming from CD Projekt is that “We don't comment on rumors or speculation; any future plans for The Witcher: Rise of the White Wolf will come through official channels.”

The company has been releasing assets related to Rise of the White Wolf on a regular basis since it launched the Enhanced Edition for the PC version of the game. Given the work behind the console version, the release is probably still coming and the rumors related to the cancellation are just a symptom of the eagerness with which fans of the game expect a true sequel expanding on the destiny of Gerald and his world. Still, it would be nice to hear CD Projekt say “No, Rise of the White Wolf has not been canceled” rather than “No comment.”

We will be looking out in the coming days to see whether any other pieces of news come out related to this story. Until then, we look forward to getting a change to play a solid role playing game on the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3.