Sep 13, 2010 13:41 GMT  ·  By

The professional profile of a Quality Assurance lead working at developer BioWare suggests that the well known role playing game creator might be working on a new unannounced game project that is set to be launched on handheld devices at an yet unspecified date.

The LinkedIn profile for Mitchell Fujino, who is in charge of the process that eliminates bugs from titles that are close to launch, says that the BioWare man is working on a new handheld title.

He also has experience with Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, the video game for the Nintendo DS family of devices that BioWare put out in 2008.

BioWare might be interested in offering a sequel for its Sonic based video game, which was initially well received by critics, who liked the use of the franchise, but also got some criticism for the limited depth of its narrative and for the limited combat system.

BioWare is a very busy company at the moment, with three high profile titles in development and set to arrive during the next 12 to 18 months.

Dragon Age 2 will be launched on March 8, 2011 and will tell the story of Hawke, a human survivor of the Blight who is set to become one of the most important characters in the world of the video game series.

BioWare executives have already confirmed that Dragon Age 2 will not be ported to handheld devices and will only arrive on the Xbox 360, the PlayStation 3 and the PC.

BioWare is also working on Mass Effect 3, the last entry in the science fiction trilogy which features galactic hero Shepard as the main character.

The new handheld could be a spin off in the style of Mass Effect: Galaxy, which arrived on the iPhone after the first game in the series was launched.

The developer also has a team working with LucasArts on Star Wars: The Old Republic, a MMO project that is unlikely to get a handheld based companion.