Will they succeed in relaunching the game?

Mar 25, 2005 08:16 GMT  ·  By

SpecOps is a tactical shooter, similar to Ubisoft's Rainbow Six series, in which the player becomes an American army specialist who, with the help of the team, will have to complete difficult and dangerous missions.

The SpecOps franchise is owned by Take Two, Rockstar's founding company, and the game was launched in 2003 for PC and consoles.

As Rainbow Six's quality was superior and the reviews SpecOps benefited didn't speak highly of it, the game was a failure and since then Take Two has been mentioning nothing about a sequel.

As Rockstar has the gift of propelling any game developed by them to the top of the charts, no matter how controversial the starting idea is (the most recent case, aside from the much praised and well known GTA: San Andreas being Manhunt) Take Two entrusted them with this title too.

This task can prove to be the most difficult Rockstar confronted with until now. Releasing a new game, even with an extremely violent scenario, is after all a challenge, but to make a remake of a title that already failed once is almost impossible.

But since Rockstar succeeded with game like: Manhunt, Dead Red Revolver or GTA, it has enough experience in third person games in order to transform SpecOps into a box-office success.

Rockstar hasn't even announce yet if the game will be available for PC or console or the departments in charge of the remake of this title, but rumors have it that the game will be released by the end of 2005.