They are equipped with wireless cameras and don't need rations or bed rest

Jan 17, 2014 09:46 GMT  ·  By

Some may say that leaving our security in the hands of robots is folly, but others would counter that not doing so would be folly. The US Border Patrol is siding with the latter camp on this one.

As reported by the Associated Press, the United States Border Patrol has begun to employ robots.

Said robots are equipped with wireless cameras and can skulk around places where humans cannot tread.

Then again, the robots aren't so much robots as they are four-wheeled, remote-controlled cars, or drones.

I suppose this means that training to scout and keep your eyes open while scouring the land will be replaced, or supplemented anyway, by training to use a remote controller.

Maybe later on there will even be classes for learning to use robotic worms. Although given how slow those things are, the classes are more likely to teach patience than anything else.