Check out this video if you want to see a weird machine hanging from beams

Feb 24, 2012 15:45 GMT  ·  By

Another day, another blog about robots. This time, though, we've got something less about human interaction and more about automation.

Some folks over at the Cornell Creative Machines Lab built a robot that can not only navigate trusses, but it can also work with them.

That is to say, it can unscrew beams, move them around and screw them in place at the end of other sections.

As the video shows, the weird thing is a sort of two-section caterpillar. Ok, maybe it's a stretch to make that comparison, but it's the only one that comes to mind.

We aren't exactly sure what practical implementations this could have, but people will definitely come up with some if they think hard enough. Maybe some role will be found in architecture and construction work at some point.