His publicist would not let him answer questions about his personal life

Nov 18, 2009 08:42 GMT  ·  By
Robert Pattinson cuts off interview with Ryan Seacrest when asked about his personal life
   Robert Pattinson cuts off interview with Ryan Seacrest when asked about his personal life

Fans have often speculated that both Robert Pattinson and “Twilight” co-star Kristen Stewart must have already grown tired of answering the same question over and over again, but it was never more obvious than during an interview with Ryan Seacrest. Taken before the Los Angeles limited premiere of “New Moon,” the interview came at a dead end when Seacrest tried to get the dirt on the so-called romance with Stewart, as Vancouver Sun can confirm.

Pattinson came in Seacrest’s booth, set up right there on the red carpet, at a brisk pace and clearly out of breath from interacting with the fans and the media outside. The moment he sets foot in the booth, his publicist lets Seacrest’s people know that she can’t have Robert do an interview longer than 2 minutes (or so her gestures would seem to imply) because he’s perhaps expected somewhere else as well.

At first, things go smoothly as Ryan keeps his questions focused strictly on “New Moon,” the upcoming film, and the impressive fanbase the franchise has now. However, when he gets to the topic of fans, the radio show host can’t help but ask the one question that has been on the lips of almost everybody for more than a year: are he and co-star Kristen Stewart more than just friends, are they romantically involved or not? This is when Pattinson’s publicist decides Seacrest had enough questions for one sitting and takes the actor away.

“‘What do you say to your fans who are desperate to know about you and your co-star Kristen?’ Seacrest asked. At that moment the blundering, babbling Pattinson mummed up, and smiled and giggled like a little girl as his publicist literally yanked the actor’s cord from the radio set, cutting Seacrest off, and going into full hairy-conniption mode. During the first minute of the interview Pattinson managed to get in some thoughtful words about his fans before the brouhaha occurred,” the aforementioned publication writes.

In all fairness, not for a second does Pattinson stop being his gracious, courteous self, even as he’s preparing to walk off, as if confused about the noise and agitation around him. His publicist, on the other hand, is clearly not happy with the way things turned out with the interview – check out the video below to see for yourselves.