The reverend was arrested after protesting Chase Bank's investment policies

Nov 14, 2013 20:41 GMT  ·  By

Reverend Billy and supporters of the Church of Stop Shopping like corporations about as much as a teenager likes being forced to clean their room, and they aren't afraid to voice their opinions. Unfortunately, they sometimes take things a tad too far, and end up behind bars.

Grist tells us that, a few weeks ago, the reverend was arrested after walking into a Chase Bank branch in Manhattan armed with nothing but a megaphone and started preaching about how the bank's investment policies contributed to climate change, global warming and all the other nasty things carbon emissions were usually blamed for.

Apparently, the reverend also did a little dancing and singing. And so did the people dressed like the golden frogs of Central America that were accompanying him.

The golden frog of Central America is one of the first species to fall off the biodiversity map due to climate change and global warming, so Reverend Billy and his followers' performance did make some sense.

Unfortunately, authorities were not as moved by how masterfully these folks managed to draw attention to environmental issues as they were by all the commotion they caused. Hence, the reverend and Choir Director Nehemiah Luckett have been charged with riot in the second degree, menacing in the third degree, unlawful assembly, and disorderly conduct.

Their trial begins this December 9. If found guilty, they risk being sentenced to one year in prison.