So then, they filled up the game with hidden messages just for the sake of it...?

Sep 28, 2007 10:43 GMT  ·  By
The original Metroid, released for the Famicom Disk System - imagine this next-gen
   The original Metroid, released for the Famicom Disk System - imagine this next-gen

The discovery of a secret message containing the words "project" and "Dread" within Metroid Prime 3: Corruption by IGN generated a lot of hype as to whether Nintendo was trying to tell its fans that they finished developing the much rumored 2D side-scrolling shooter, Metroid Dread, for the DS. However, an interview from MTV News with Retro Studios reveals that "it's a complete and utter coincidence."

Here's what the MTV News interview brought new: "It's not what you think it means," said game direct Mark Pacini. "It was [sic] something that was overlooked and wasn't in any way indicating anything about the handheld game. We know no information about the handheld games." Pacini went on explaining that they "actually had a fictional element of something else in the game that by a large coincidence could be read that we were giving a hint about 'Metroid Dread,' which was not the case. It's a complete and utter coincidence."

Metroid Dread was first announced in the June 2005 issue of Game Informer, and further details emerged on the magazine's Internet forums. According to the forum moderators, the game was a 2D side-scroller being developed for the Nintendo DS. Its plot was said to follow the events of Metroid Fusion. Then, website Nintendo-Next reported that the project had been canceled, without revealing their sources.

More recently though, Using Samus Aran's scan visor, IGN discovered the following hidden message during Samus' quest: "Experiment status report update: Metroid project 'Dread' is nearing the final stages of completion." Some will say it's a simple Easter egg, while others will believe it to be a true development update, but most people will agree that it's one hell of a coincidence, for the word "Dread" to appear in the hidden message, along with the words "project" and "completion." It's either that, or Nintendo and Retro folks are just sadistic.

In case you remember, other Hidden Messages Found in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption have been reported recently, clearly showing that the game is full of them, so why would this one be any different? Why wouldn't it mean what everyone hopes it means? Clearly, Nintendo is either having difficulties with developing Metroid Dread, or they've really canceled it, denying its existence so firmly. Or... I'm just getting your hopes up?