Ready for some new maps

Jun 14, 2010 11:45 GMT  ·  By

Activision, as the publisher, and Infinity Ward, as the developer, have announced that the Resurgence Map Pack for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be arriving on the PlayStation 3 from Sony and on the PC, through Steam, on July 6 in the United States and one full day later on the European markets.

The pack, with its five maps for multiplayer battles, is already available for those who are enjoying the first person shooter on the Xbox 360 from Microsoft. Players who are interested in getting the new content will need to pay 15 dollars.

There are two maps in the Resurgence package taken from the first Modern Warfare, called Vacant and Strike, three of the maps being entirely new. Carnival is filled with clowns that can be easily mistaken for other players and with close quarter firefights.

Trailer Park is even more claustrophobic and has a swimming pool while Fuel is based in an old oil refinery where running and gunning are options and where snipers will always prove to be a problem. The five maps will allow for more diversity in multiplayer matches, the game mode, which assures the longevity of Modern Warfare.

Chances are that the Resurgence Map Pack is the last piece of DLC coming to Modern Warfare 2, with Activision shifting resources to the creation of other titles in the series. It's not clear what this will mean for developer Infinity Ward, which has seen some of its biggest developers depart in order to join Respawn Entertainment.

This fall will see Treyarch and Activision launch Call of Duty: Black Ops, a new first person shooter, which takes a step back when it comes to history, allowing the player to experience complex operations that special forces undertook during the Cold War. Expect to see more information about the game as the launch date nears.