The team is currently prioritizing the core mechanics

Feb 17, 2014 15:36 GMT  ·  By

Steve Fukuda, a game director working on Titanfall, says that his team might be ready to add mod support to the shooter after it is launched as long as Respawn Entertainment has the resources to deliver the feature without any problems.

He tells Rock, Paper, Shotgun that, “Technically, nothing is off the table. It’s just a question of priorities and time and whether or not we can get to it while working on the game as a whole.”

At the same time, Fukuda says that the structure of Titanfall and its use of Oriign, the digital distribution solution from Electronic Arts, means that there’s no way to modify elements of the game and still be able to get into matches.

He adds that, “It’s very carefully tuned. It’s very tweaked and dialed in. We don’t want someone to get the wrong impression of the game if somebody, say, changes a lot of the properties. Perhaps if we come up with a form and a structure by which we can let people know, ‘Hey, this is the no-holds-barred Wild West area’, perhaps we can look into something like that.”

It seems that the team at Respawn Entertainment is more interested in creating a way for gamers to make user-driven content, which can then be distributed to the rest of the community easily.

At the moment, players on both the Xbox One and the PC can still get into the beta stage of the shooter and try out its core mechanics before it is launched.

The title will arrive on the two platforms on March 11 in the United States and two days later in Europe.

Titanfall will focus on a multiplayer experiences with 6 gamers on each team and a variety of other AI-controlled enemies, with a lot of emphasis on freedom of movement and tactics.