Reprogram the SPD of your OCZ memories

Aug 8, 2007 09:20 GMT  ·  By

OCZ announced the release of a tool that can be used to reprogram the SPD circuit found on the OCZ memory modules. This tool named SPD-Z can modify the information traditionally stored into the SPD (the shorthand for Serial Presence Detect) chip like memory capacity, speed, latencies, manufacturer and so on. SPD-Z is based in fact on the expansion of the SPD circuit by Corsair and Nvidia to the EPP (the shorthand for Enhanced Performance Profiles) standard that simply allows users to write up their custom settings, provided that the motherboard can support the EPP+SPD standards.

According to OCZ, the tool allows users to reprogram the SPD circuit of any OCZ made memory module and according to the news site DailyTech the memory manufacturer will post a list of files that are necessary for the operation on its Web site. "Tweaks of hardware and firmware have become the primary tool of most computer hardware OEMs to differentiate themselves from the field of competitors, however, in some cases at the expense of compatibility," commented Dr. Michael Schuette, VP of Technology Development at OCZ Technology. "OCZ?s answer to the fragmentation of the market is the patent-pending SPD-Z technology that allows users to select custom SPDs from a library to optimize the interaction between the motherboard and memory firmware." "All the end user has to do is make sure the system is 100% stable and not over clocked during the reflash of the modules."

Unlike the EPP standard, the OCZ memory reflash tool will work on every motherboard, as long as it can detect the presence on an OCZ made memory module. SPD-Z is a GUI based application and for now it is only compatible with Microsoft's Windows. After the detection of an OCZ memory module, the tool will automatically point the user to the appropriate files repository that will be maintained on the OCZ Web site or on their customers forum.