Famed director handles the question like a pro, says training made him “sick”

Oct 18, 2013 10:49 GMT  ·  By

So this happened: just recently, during a press call for “Gravity,” director Alfonso Cuaron was asked if it was difficult to shoot the entire film in space. His answer was hilarious, and you can see it in the video above.

“What were the technical and human difficulties of filming in space? Was it very difficult, very complicated to film in space? Did the camera operators get sick?” the reporter is heard asking.

Cuaron smiles and then he just plays along. I can’t say whether he realized he was being punked or he really does have a sense of humor about this kind of things.

“Well, yes, we took some cameras there aboard the Soyuz. We were in space for three-and-a-half months. I got really sick during training,” he responds, as the other members of the press laugh.

As it turns out, the question was a joke. The reporter has been identified as Carlos “El Capi” Perez, and he had this to say on Twitter about the hubbub around his unusual query: “Excuse me Twitter for being a professional committed to information. Don't tell me I was the only one who had that doubt.”

El Capi is known for pulling this type of stunts.