The "Reignite your Va Va Voom" campaign was dubbed offensive

Jul 18, 2013 09:49 GMT  ·  By

A new ad for the Renault Clio airing online has been banned from YouTube for being too offensive and objectifying women.

The Advertising Standards Authority responded to complaints about scantily clad burlesque dancers in the clip being demeaning to women.

However, once watching the clip, I can note that it also presents handsome, well-built men with no shirts on.

The "Reignite your Va Va Voom" campaign centers on getting that taste of France once driving the Clio. Drivers get on in Great Britain and, upon pressing a button, they are transported to a land of singing, dancing, family and love, and that land is France.

According to the Guardian, Renault UK dubbed the ad a parody and argued that most of the 3 million people that watched it had no complaints.