Reiki is a healing through touch form of therapy that cures both emotional and physical disorders

Jul 10, 2006 15:22 GMT  ·  By

Reiki is an ancient Japanese therapy that cures both body and mind by making use of the flow of universal healing energy. This energy is related to the Qi or Chi flux of energy from the Feng Shui art of decorating buildings and positioning objects in a living space.

The word Reiki is made of two words, Rei and Ki. Rei means "God's Wisdom" or "The Higher Power", while Ki is the correspondent of Qi or Chi that means "universal life energy." Therefore, Reiki is the therapy related to the "spiritually guided universal life energy."

Reiki principles are based on natural spirituality and man's communion with nature, but it is not a religion in the common sense of the world. Even if its founder, Dr. Mikao Usui developed this healing system from the Buddhist and Sanskrit teachings, Reiki is actually a state of mind and harmony with all the living creatures; it is not a religious doctrine.

The Oriental people believe that this is a cosmic flux of vital energy that surrounds us and has beneficial or negative effects on our physical and mental health. If this energy is used appropriately it becomes healing and curative.

Basically, Reiki is an ancient technique used for inducing relaxation and reducing stress, anxiety and other emotional disorders in yourself or the others. Its belief is that when the psyche is healthy, than the body is healthy, too. On the contrary, when there are emotional imbalances in one's life, these have negative consequences on the physical health and the more sick the soul is, the more severe the diseases of a patient will be.

Reiki is a healing technique based on touch therapy. When receiving Reiki healing, the patient is fully clothed and can have any position, standing, sitting in a chair or armchair, but it is better to lie down on a table or bed because in this way all the muscles in his body relax. The therapist or Reiki practitioner/master can use two techniques: the healing on technique (by keeping his hands in the vicinity of patient's body, but without any physical contact) or the distant healing technique (in which the therapist can heal someone from distance.)

Nowadays the most common healing technique is the healing on, because the distant healing technique requires previous contact with the patient, being familiar with his person and also having some of his cloths or personal things.

Through the flux of vital energy, the therapist can sense which parts of the patient's body are unhealthy because these emit weaker energy than the healthy ones. After sensing the disorders in one's body, the therapist lays his hands on the weaker energy areas and transmits good energy in order to cure them and make them strong again.

The energy comes in a continual flux and is not limited by the physical body. The healing energy comes from the therapist and is dissipated into the sufferer's body. This is why after treating an individual with severe diseases the Reiki practitioner/master is weary and has to recharge himself with the universal energy.

Reiki can heal a wide range of conditions, emotional and physical, from milder states of disorders to acute and chronic ones.