Man whose father's house burned down is offered a free meal for him and his family

Mar 28, 2013 18:11 GMT  ·  By

They say that no good deed goes unpunished, but, with Reddit, nobody even knows which good deeds are legit anymore.

The photo of an Olive Garden receipt, also posted above this news blog, has been upvoted thousands of times this week, but now many users are dubbing it an advertising stunt.

User Tanek42 uploaded the receipt to show how he hasn't paid a single cent for his dinner after owners found out about a fire destroying his father's house.

“When the manager asked how everything was my daughter said 'Grandpa's house burned down',” the uploader writes.

Some Redditors have commented that the receipt is simply free advertising, judging by the nicely placed Olive Garden logo to the side.

I could add that it seems as though the receipt is in very good condition, with no ink smudges and that the wording of the description has a Disney movie feel, with the man's daughter blurting out what happened to her grandpa's house.