Running from the mystery

Mar 8, 2005 00:11 GMT  ·  By

The game from Quantic Dream is an adventure/mystery game, drawing its inspiration from the movie "The Fugitive"

The main character is Lucas Kane who is actually an innocent man, with blood on his hands. The first scene in which we meet Kane is taking place in a toilet, where he stands over the body of his victim.

As any decent man who wakes up in a toilet, his first question is why, and he is trying to discover a motive for the murder that he just committed. Deciding to run, he will be pursued by the police.

In a twist of the story the players will enter later in the role of the police.

Through this telling and retelling of the tale and by forcing you to make tricky moral choices at every turn, Fahrenheit promises to encapsulate emotion and depth, but without crossing into the minefield of becoming "interactive movies".

And while that sounds like a bold statement for a game, unsurprisingly Martin Spiess, senior vice president of marketing for Atari Europe is happy to back it up.

He enthuses: "Quantic Dream have created a game where the tension seeps from the screen into the mind, guaranteeing no shortage of emotional investment from the player. A powerful connection is created between the player and the action on-screen, where every turn and every micro-decision has serious consequences."

A version for Xbox and PC will be available later this year.