Brings KVM improvements, overall performance enhancements and more...

May 19, 2009 09:16 GMT  ·  By

Red Hat, Inc., the world's leading provider of Open Source solutions, announced last night (May 18th) the immediate availability of the final release of the eighth update for their Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 operating systems. Besides the usual bug fixes and software updates, there are also the new features that come with every stable release. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.8 is available for 32-bit and AMD/Intel 64-bit architectures.

"With each update to Red Hat Enterprise Linux, we add new features and reliability/quality improvements through bug fixes and security patches – while maintaining compatibility with our ecosystem of certified hardware and software. Update releases also often provide new or enhanced hardware support." - said the Red Hat developers in the official release announcement.

Highlights of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.8:

· The virtualization performance was greatly improved; · Improved the autofs filesystems; · Samba updates for better interoperability with the Microsoft Windows operating system; · Improved the overall performance; · Improved filesystem support; · Improved storage support; · The GNU Compiler Collection was updated to provide better support for developers.

For a detailed list of the new features in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.8, please visit the official changelog.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) distribution is somehow targeted more to the commercial market, including mainframes, which enjoy a 7-year support on Red Hat's behalf after its release. New versions of RHEL are released quite fast and thus, users can upgrade their current version to the newest release free of charge. Red Hat distributed four versions of RHEL: RHEL AS (Advanced Server), RHEL ES (edge, economy or entry-level server), RHEL WS (workstation) and Red Hat Desktop.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.8 ISO images can be downloaded by all existing RHEL subscribers via the Red Hat Networks service.