Science fiction gaming

Apr 28, 2010 17:01 GMT  ·  By

It seems that Trion is not the only videogaming company working on creating a connection between its intellectual property and the NBC Universal channel Syfy. There's a big change of actually seeing a Red Faction-inspired mini series on the science fiction-themed channel after the initial movie based on the videogame is shown.

Alan Seiffert, who is the senior vice president of Syfy Ventures, told B&C that Red Faction “is the kind of content that fits our genre. It is a great fit for a big Syfy Saturday movie, and if it really works, it is a great back-door pilot.” There is also talk that the upcoming Red Faction videogame, which is set to arrive in 2011, will have some input from the people at Syfy, probably in the story and setting departments.

The collaboration between Syfy and THQ will also be seen in the launch of Ghost Hunter Academy, a title based on a reality series, which is set to be created for the Nintendo DS, the iPhone and the iPad from Apple. Players will have to complete a series of tasks in order to join the cast of the television show and apparently the camera of the handheld will be employed to bring an augmented reality element to the experience.

It seems that the Syfy Channel is interested in offering a wide variety of gaming options to its audience, with some advertising supported titles offered directly on the website, with other titles based around microtransactions and some delivered via subscription.

One of the biggest franchises Syfy owns is the reimagined Battlestar Galactica, which has not been used properly in the videogame medium until now. A new project from developer Bigpoint will arrive in the fall, first on the official website of Syfy for 30 days.