Tamara English of Australia would do anything for a sale

Jul 17, 2013 12:08 GMT  ·  By

A real estate agent struggling to make a sale on less than desirable property has donned a Batgirl outfit and made the ad for the house a lot more interesting.

She poses with a paintbrush, watching TV, popping out of the shower and getting dressed. I'm not sure if she is trying to suggest that this house would be fit for a batcave.

“Let's be honest, the place needs work,” superhero Tamara English of Australia admits, saying that not even Bruce Wayne could turn down a bargain.

She also suggests that whoever buys it will have to make a lot of changes and “get down and dirty.” I don't get why the Batgirl reference is used in the post as she doesn't actually save the day and renovate the house herself.