The rapper is taking the credit for Kim's pregnancy

Feb 14, 2014 08:31 GMT  ·  By

Lil' Kim managed to keep her pregnancy a secret until yesterday when she came out for the New York Fashion Week with a very obvious baby bump to everyone's dismay. The media quickly scrambled to report on the news and to make inquiries as to who is the baby's father.

It wasn't long until someone stepped up to the plate. Rapper Mr. Papers casually mentioned on Instagram that Lil' Kim's lil' baby belongs to him. “I heard everybody looking for me?????????????????” he captioned a photo with him and Lil' Kim.

Mr. Papers aptly goes by the name of “Daddy” on Twitter and he has been previously connected with the singer back in June 2012. Well, it seems the couple got together at least once since then and with visible results.

Needless to say, all this recent media attention isn't hurting his reputation and the rapper has painstakingly began heating up social media sites with conversations with fans who gave their opinion on the pregnancy.

He's even picked out a name for the baby, thanks to a fan who tweeted to him “@Emillio_Blanco: @MR_Papers Congratz on the royal baby!” Mr. Papers replied with “royal is a good name for the lil homie.”

So far, Kim hasn't addressed the issue, so there is a possibility that Mr. Papers is using this opportunity to get a shot at the headlines and also boost his fame up a notch or two.

Meanwhile, the mother-to-be expressed her excitement at the upcoming baby, but also said that she would continue working in the next couple of months. “I'm a mom, but I can turn it up a little” she said rubbing the belly while attending The Blonds Fashion Week after-party in New York.

Regardless of the father's identity, Mr. Papers is getting congratulations left and right on his Twitter account so if it turns out he lied about being the father, he's going to have a lot of explaining to do.