The American citizen who now lives in South Africa was denied entry back in May

Jul 2, 2014 13:56 GMT  ·  By
Mos Def is allowed back in America for a surprise performance after being denied for his own tour
   Mos Def is allowed back in America for a surprise performance after being denied for his own tour

Some of the controversy connected with rapper/singer Mos Def, who now goes by the name Yasiin Bey, and the fact that he was denied entry into the United States despite being a citizen and a celebrity have come back to light after he was eventually allowed into the country.

Last week, the rapper managed to appear on stage at the Radio City Music Hall for the David Chapelle Show, despite the fact that he wasn't allowed into the country for his own show. Back in May, the singer was forced to cancel out a string of tour dates after the American Immigrations refused to allow him to enter the country.

At the time, it was believed that this move might have been connected with the fact that Mos Def had taken a strong position against the American government and its inhumane techniques of force-feeding prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. Complex puts together a ludicrous theory that Dave Chappelle is a member of the Illuminati, since he seems to have a lot of influence in overturning decisions of the Immigration Service.

For Def, it must have been a surreal experience to be allowed into the country for a guest performance, when he was initially denied for his own tour, which had several dates already planned. At the time the news of his ban came out, many thought that the rapper had in fact renounced his American citizenship in favor of the South African one and he was then made to pay.