Weird guy in spandex costume gives random people candy to make their days sweeter

Nov 30, 2013 07:17 GMT  ·  By

An overly excited man decides to take the random acts of kindness concept to a sugary level, spreading candy to random people passing on the street and yelling “random acts of candy.”

With a box full of sweets, Spandy Andy, dressed in a funny spandex suit with colored peace signs all over it, brings joy to passersby. Besides chocolate, he also offers fruits, for those who are interested in a healthier choice. He has it all figured out.

Even if at the beginning people are kind of confused and hesitate to take the treats, they finally accept and thank the weird-looking guy for his “random acts of candy.” There should be more well-intended people like him in the world, and on my street.

The young comedian is trying to create a worldwide trend, similar to the free hugs campaign, but with candy. In the end, he also says that the people who received candy from him will spread the kindness to others and as simple as that, he has helped make the world a better place.

Good job, Spandy Andy! You can watch the candy spreading frenzy in the video above.