Jan 12, 2011 12:38 GMT  ·  By

Seeing how more and more homes get set up with their own networks, and how network storage often becomes a must, RaidSonic delivered yet another NAS device, one which should already be found listed online.

NAS (network-attached storage) devices have become more or less common among home and small office networks.

They are, among other things, used to store media, which can then be shared and streamed to any PC connected to said network.

Storage units of this type combine the capacity of multiple HDDs or SSDs, which are usually set up in a RAID configuration.

RaidSonic is one of the companies that deal in such products, having proven this on several occasions, such as when it unveiled the Icy Box USB 3.0, back in November 2010.

RaidSonic has now unveiled the Icy Box IB-NAS6220, which can house one or two hard disk drives or solid state drives inside its black frame.

Said storage units need be of the 3.5-inch form factor and can have, in total, a combined capacity of 4 TB.

Each drive bay has its own lock, for security reasons (obviously) and can be configured in RAID 1 and RAID 0.

For those interested in the full specifications, a Marvel 6281 processor does most of the work (it has a frequency of 1.2 GHz).

There is also mention of 256 MB of RAM, three USB 2.0 ports and, of course, Gigabit Ethernet. Meanwhile, whatever heat is generated by the drives inside of the new Icy Box is dispersed by a rear fan.

A final ability of the newcomer is that of performing system backups at the touch of a single button.

All in all, the RaidSonic Icy Box IB-NAS6220 should meet the storage and functionality requirements of most common home networks. As for pricing, it sits at a fairly affordable 170 Euro (189 including VAT).