ZOO Digital Publishing to release the retail version on October 6th

Oct 5, 2006 13:56 GMT  ·  By

With virtually no budget whatsoever, Rag Doll Kung Fu is former Lionhead Studios designer and Media Molecule co-founder Mark Healey very own brainchild, a PC game developed only by him. The highly original arcade style beat 'em up title allows you to control each and every movement of your character by using only the mouse. The game used to be available via Valve's Steam service alone for online distribution, yet ZOO Digital Publishing announced that tomorrow Rag Doll Kung Fu will hit the UK shelves in a retail package.

Although the game never hit retail, Sunday Times found out about it and had only words of praise: "Rag Doll Kung-Fu contains more ideas and genuine energy than most of the commercial games released last year." The Sheffield-based UK publisher, known for its Premier Manager series, continued the trend initiated with Alien Hominid by bringing yet another innovative title like Rag Doll Kung Fu to a wider audience.

Imagine having a kung fu fight using puppets on a string, but without looking embarrassingly childish or the hassle of strings getting mixed up in a knot. That's exactly what Rag Doll Kung Fu delivers during its 16-level story mode and a host of mini games like Rag Doll Soccer and Rag Doll Athletics. The title is a masterpiece of fan determination since there is a whole kung fu movie to be found here, amateurish yet hilarious. The ingenious control scheme is specifically designed to be used by casual gamers, as the title itself excels through one quality alone, proving too much fun to pass up. A brilliant stupid game in its simplicity, all you have to do is grab a limb and start swinging at your opponents. Both multiplayer and online play is supported, enabling you to play with your friends in an old style arcade rumble for kung fu supremacy.