Shows commitment to supporting BlackBerry developers

Dec 18, 2009 20:11 GMT  ·  By

Research In Motion, the Canadian maker of BlackBerry, has just announced that the developers all around the world could benefit from its BlackBerry Plug-in for Eclipse. Up until now, the Eclipse update sites for BlackBerry plug-in for Eclipse-based tools were only available for the developers in North America, yet now this has changed. The company notes on its developer blog that this is mainly due to the fact that the availability of plugin installation and updates via the Eclipse update mechanism is one of the main features of any Eclipse based tooling.

“We are pleased to announce that Eclipse update sites for our Eclipse-based tools are now available for use around the world, and you will only be prompted once per downloaded product for your BlackBerry Developer Zone credentials. All you need to take advantage of the update sites is ensure that you download the appropriate Eclipse version for the java and web Eclipse tools, plug the update site URLs into the Eclipse update manager, and follow the bouncing ball,” RIM notes.

As many of you might have noticed already, the Canadian mobile phone maker has been working hard on delivering all the necessary tools to developers of applications for its BlackBerry operating system. The focus on software solutions can be observed across the entire mobile industry, and RIM is one of the main players here. Ever since it launched the BlackBerry App World, it started to push more and more tools for developers, showing a great commitment to supporting them. And since those who use Eclipse are as important as any other developers, the new announcement is aimed at them.

“With a properly structured update site and tool structure, plug-in authors can allow end-users to install their tool directly into an existing Eclipse installation on the user’s machine. In addition, the plug-in author can post incremental updates of their tool to the update site, and end-users can discover and download these updates rather than download the full install on every update. The process is straightforward and seamless to the end user, as the functionality resides directly inside their tooling environment. There is no need to go to the web to figure out if an update is even available. You can simply download it, install it and restart the tool,” the company commented.

All the necessary details are available on RIM's developer website, here.