In the next months

Oct 16, 2008 08:49 GMT  ·  By

CCP is announcing that it plans to release a new expansion for its EVE Online MMO. It will be called Quantum Rise, it will be free and will add a lot of features related to the way the game should handle its complicated economical aspect.

Quantum Rise is very much concerned with the economy, just as much as the previous update, Empyrean Age, was concerned with making war more exciting. The most important news is that industrial ships are being rebalanced and optimized so that players are more interested in using them just as a new massive capital industrial ship, called Orca, is introduced into the game. There are also new customizable storefronts and a certificate system which is aimed at creating some sort of at a glance way of seeing how skilled a pilot is in different professions. Oh, and there are medals to reward the best pilots in each corporation.

There's also a hardware upgrade taking place just as the new expansion is rolling out. CCP is noted for creating a massive server cluster which keeps all the players in the same game world and the new updates coming from CCP are set to reduce lag and make the game smoother. The press release says that “CCP will push forward with a myriad of hardware and server improvements to bring the most massive player-versus-player experience available, expanding a boundless universe into a limitless one”.

Torfi Frans Olafsson, who is a senior producer of EVE Online, added that “I can't imagine a better game where you can engage hundreds of people simultaneously in highly immersive tactical combat or simply sit back and make millions off of the conflict via research, manufacturing or logistics. You choose your destiny; that's the beauty of it”.

There's no clear time frame for the release of Quantum Rise, but more features will be revealed in the coming weeks. At the moment, you can go to the EVE Online website in order to sign up for a 14 day free trial period.