The cornerstone of the program is the establishment of computer laboratories with Internet access

Jul 24, 2006 12:33 GMT  ·  By

QUALCOMM Incorporated announced the program launch of the QUALCOMM Wireless Reach initiative in Way Kanan, Lampung.

QUALCOMM worked with Sampoerna Telekom (STI), Axesstel Inc., IndoNet, the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology and the State Ministry for the Accelerated Development of Disadvantaged Regions to introduce CDMA450 wireless technology into Way Kanan, giving the area access to broadband wireless voice and data services. The cornerstone of the program is the establishment of computer laboratories with Internet access in five high schools in Way Kanan: Buay Bahuga; Negeri Besar; Negara Batin; Rebang Tangkas; and Pakuan Ratu. In addition, cellular kiosks or "warsels" are being established in 59 villages and in the five high schools to provide increased access to telecommunications. In April, QUALCOMM announced a similar initiative in Pacitan, East Java.

CDMA450 provides an efficient wireless telecommunications solution by offering wide coverage, superior voice quality and high-speed data services. According to the CDMA Development Group, CDMA450 networks are now deployed in 35 countries around the world and additional networks will soon be launched or are undergoing trials. In Southeast Asia, commercial CDMA450 networks have already been deployed in Indonesia (by STI), Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.

"This innovative project serves as a model for how the government can partner with the private sector to address Indonesia's challenges in providing telecommunications for rural and underserved communities. We appreciate companies like QUALCOMM, Sampoerna Telekom, IndoNet and Axesstel for their initiative and support," said Sofyan Djalil, Minister for Information and Communication Technology.

QUALCOMM's Wireless Reach initiative seeks to connect communities that have limited or no telecommunications access through the use of 3G technologies. The objective of this initiative is to strengthen economic and social development with a focus on education, government, healthcare and public safety. Wireless Reach creates sustainable 3G projects through partnerships with non-government organizations, universities, government institutions, development agencies and other private sector companies.