The company wasn't about to let AMD make progress alone

Mar 18, 2013 14:54 GMT  ·  By

Advanced Micro Devices has just made a deal that will get its APUs to work better with a certain software developer kit, so, naturally, NVIDIA is making an announcement of its own.

Long story short, the CUDA architecture now supports the Python open-source programming language.

In fact, it is one of the world's 10 programming languages with over three million users, being easy to learn and use.

Python is used in many HPC (high-performance computing) applications, and in science, engineering, etc. Basically, if something needs tough computations, Python can help.

NumbaPro, a Python compiler in the new Anaconda Accelerate product from Continuum Analytics, is what finally enabled support for NVIDIA CUDA parallel programming.

"Hundreds of thousands of Python programmers will now be able to leverage GPU accelerators to improve performance on their applications," said Travis Oliphant, co-founder and CEO at Continuum Analytics.

"With NumbaPro, programmers have the best of both worlds: they can take advantage of the flexibility and high productivity of Python with the high performance of NVIDIA GPUs."